Tuesday, June 19, 2012

How to save a life

Whew... here we are in full swing with the summer schedule.  I am always amazed at how quickly the days pass, how jammed pack they are with activity, and yet I can't seem to keep up with the house.  I look forward to the relative ease of our summer schedule but I know I don't get as much done as I would like.  Then I have to remind myself... the time is fleeting.  I need and want to enjoy my children and husband.  They are what is truly important!  I'm always on the lookout for fun and creative ways to get the work done together.

I had thought I would do a better job keeping with with this blog, but I haven't.  I am hoping that this week will actually get some posts out of my head and onto the computer screen. 

Now for something very pressing.  I want to introduce you to a sweet boy named Tommy.  He doesn't know it, but there is a family that loves him and was planning on bringing him home as soon as they could.  Last week, all of that changed.  This precious family received the crushing news.... he doesn't have the time to wait for them.

Just looking at him you may wonder why he doesn't have time.  He has such a sweet smile, a light in his eyes, the will to live.  So why doesn't he have time?

He is the size of a 3 or 4 year old.  He has so much potential.  So why is he out of time?

Because this sweet little boy

turns 16

the first of the year!

He needs a family NOW!  Please, won't you help him?

Help him reach his potential, experience the love of a family, matter to someone?  Please share this need with everyone you know.  I know that God loves this little boy and has a plan for his life.  His story is already unfolding and you can be part of it.

There are special circumstances surrounding this precious boy.  Visit my sweet friend's blog to learn more about Tommy and what the next step is.  Is God is calling you to be his family.

Blessings Friends!

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