I wonder... how many of you have had the privilege of knowing a person with that extra special chromosome? How many of you have taken the time to get to know a person with Down Syndrome?
I have been blessed because....
I have a brother with Down Syndrome!
Growing up with him was such fun. He was always up for a fun adventure, he was famous for his "short cuts" that ended up getting him lost, and he was always there with a hug, kiss, and smile.
When my brother was born, back in 1975, my parents were told to put him in an institution because he would be too much work for them, a burden on the family. The doctors told them that he would never be able to do anything. Thankfully, my parents didn't listen to them! My parents loved my brother from the start and set out to give him every opportunity to achieve his potential. They also worked very hard to teach my brother how to act appropriately.
My mom, in particular, went through some very sad experiences when my brother was a baby. Whenever she would take us out in public, people would walk over ready to "ooh and aah" over a new baby but when they peeked into the carriage they would quickly pull back and say "uughh". This of course would make my mom cry. She felt so sad! Sad that people were unable to get over the difference in looks or the obvious "disability", sad that they couldn't be happy for her or her new son, sad that they didn't value him as a person made in the image of God. Sad that anyone would react that way.
I wonder... have things changed that much? Is having a child with Down Syndrome looked at as a blessing? Are people able to get over the difference in looks or the obvious "disability" and see a person with great value?
Join me as I attempt to blog (almost) every day to raise awareness!